Saturday, October 7, 2017

Stash Acquisition Saturday

Well I do have another update, although not all yarn....

I've actually found a few podcasts that keep my's been tough...I do listen to The Nerdist podcast, but I love Chris Hardwick. But I've had a hard time finding crafting podcasts....I've listened to a few Geeky Girls ones, but have not kept up on them.  I found Lovesockwool over the summer and have watched her last few.  I really like hers...I love how enthusiastic she is about yarn...and honest about things...I've also watched a few CrazySockLady ones....I'm not sure why they don't keep my attention, but I also don't like being read to and have a hard time listening to books....

Anyway, I went etsy shopping after a few of these episodes....
The amazing winter knitting bag is from Laughing Stitches....this bag is just GORGEOUS!!!!!! The details!  The drawstring is a measuring tape, the embroidered "knitting" with a little heart charm "made with love" She also sent a stitch marker with the same charm.

The green bag is from Carolina Girls...I have not watched their podcast yet, but wanted to support Socktober....I also got the little fall needle keeper from them.  Stitch markers were also included with that bag.

The yarn is from Camel City Dyeworks in Bug Juice with a corresponding mini in a deep purple color.

Another needle keeper in a Packers  fabric and an awesome #socktober stitch marker set from Kitchen Counter Crafter. The Hubs is a Packers fan.

Awhile back I got a Larry Sheeple bag from erinlane bags....the Hubs is a Larry, but he actually doesn't swear often, although I swear I find it funny....

I also received a couple of my club yarns

Arwen Evenstar from the Mad Color BAMF club.  My last Here There Be Dragons yarn and the bag from Jessalu...and Nerd Girl Random Fandom, "I'm Mary Poppins, Y'all"  Which I LOVE!!!  I'm a fan of Michael Rooker from way back and love him as Yondu......It just cracks me up!

So, even though I'm still getting yarn, I seem to be on a bag kick right now!  One of the podcasts mentioned pulling out her projects and switching over to her seasonal!  Not sure I have enough for that!

Three day weekend for I'm working on my Rhinebeck arm and 8 inches of the body down....I have to take breaks as my hands have not been good this week...
Flareup in the thumb joint of my left hand and I jammed the fingers on my right hand, sending radiating pain down my hand to my wrist...was also wearing an ace bandage on my left ankle after stepping off a curb's been a week.....need the three day weekend.....
sweater progress.......until next time.....well I will post a YOP tomorrow, or not.....heading to a local fair with the Hubs and MIL.....wish me luck!


Meredith said...

So sorry you are all bandaged up like that! Yikes! Love the bags and new yarn. We are Packer fans here so that needle holder is perfect. Heal quickly!

Babajeza said...

Take care!!!! All the best from Switzerland. Regula

Tammy@T's Daily Treasures said...

I damaged my left thumb years ago so have problems if I crochet too much, especially with small thread and hook, which is why I prefer chunky work. Sure hope all your aches and pains are healing, especially your hands so you can use all that yarn. I woke this morning to find a message and picture from my Albany boy that he rolled his ankle yesterday. Take care!

Rain said...

Oh dear, I hope you feel better soon. I have hand trouble and it messes with my knitting terribly. You got some really nice yarn!