
Monday, March 17, 2008

Today I received this nice gift from my "Secret Pal" over at Crochetville. I love Crochetville, it's so nice to go to a community and people know what you are talking about. I'm shocked at the amount of people over there that are not appreciated. Everyone I know seems to really appreciate whatever I make for them..... The hook roll is really cool and the sticth markers, I'm not sure what they are made of, but I took a bite to make sure they weren't caramal and chocolate, cuz that's what they look like!
This was from the kirchen swap. I swapped with bklvr/Jamie in Montana. It was pretty cool. i got to liking potholders - might be what everyone gets this year for Christmas! I love the bag holder she made and the colors are fantastic and will match the kitchen. I love the tea cup, but have not tried it yet.

I finished one friendship square last night and continue to work on the starghan. They are pretty easy. I did join another swap - the natural yarn swap - that'll be fun. I have to finish up the SP swap first tho.'

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