
Sunday, March 9, 2008

Wow been quite awhile since I posted. I am in the middle of a secret pal swap at Crochetville, that is alot of fun. Just finished up my kitchen swap with Jamie in Montana - but need to take a pic of the goodies I received!

Finished up a couple of projects, so let's see what I've been working on....

This is a scarf I made for the District Bowling Day on Saturday. Our school won trophies for Team Spirit and team sgirts. Tishara did a wonderful job on the shirts!! I freehand the scarf that night after Keira asked if I was gonna make one. I laughed, said no, then went home and tried it!! Pretty good I think.

This is the start of Aiden's dino blanket. However, it's ALOT of weaving in ends. So he might only get the three dino blocks with solid blocks making up the rest, as I don't know if I can stand weaving all those ends in!!!!!

Larry's slippers - he calls them his mukaluks. He loves them. The first thing I've made for him. Excuse the mess!

What I'm working on now (at this moment - since Blogger was taking forever to upload) This is my first Starghan - it's going to be for Gabrielle's baby Henry. He's too cute, saw him today. Saw all my friend's babies this weekend. Saw Lindsey and Mikayla at the bowling with their parents. Lindsey has gotten so big and Mikayla is just adorable and still a little peanut.
Will post some more things later in the week. TTFN..

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