
Sunday, April 6, 2008

The two graph blocks are for a dino blanket for Aiden. I'm not sure I like the stegosauraus. It's really the first one I have done so involved and I just don't think it looks right. I started the second one and it seems to be going much better than the stegosauraus. He was a LEARNING EXPERIENCE!!!

The green chenille blanket/throw/afghan is one I started last year. I'm going to try and finish as many WIP's and UFO's as I can. I've got lots of other things I want to make, but I have so many things unfinished. So UNLESS I need a baby gift or someone requests something I'm limiting myself to UFO's, friendship squares and charity squares, until I knock off at least 5 UFO's. This will be with the exception of the two comfortghan's that I'm gonna make for Willis and Sam. Honestly? We'll see how long this lasts!

1 comment:

  1. Graphs are such a pain in the neck...but that little dinosaur turned out fabulously! I made a pig throw for my MIL a few years ago (she loves pigs), and it turned out wonderfully, but I haven't done anything from a graph since. ;-)

    Good luck with your WIPS...I'm still trying to convince myself to pick up a hook again.
