
Wednesday, April 22, 2009

These are pictures from our first yarn stop at Labadie Looms in Paradise, PA. It was a very nice place. The owner was very friendly. There were looms everywhere! Virginia, Amy and I all bought Araucania sugar cane yarn. Well V really enabled Amy and I into it by pointing it out and marveling at it's softness. Shelby was able to resist. I also bought some locally spun wool, because I like to support local industries. I also bought some Baboozled. I'm going to try to make a case for my new phone. Then we went to the Lancaster Yarn Shop in Lancaster. We only had 5 minutes. We didin't buy any yarn, it was very small. But I did buy a bag and I will post a pic of that later. In the last post is a pic of Amy and V at this shop. The pic of the four of us is from this shop, too.

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