
Sunday, October 18, 2009

Rhinebeck 09

This was my second year at the NY Sheep and Wool Festival in Rhinebeck, NY. It was suppose to rain, but didn't, although it was cold. I wore my new hat and curly scarf. The scarf got lots of comments. Here are some pics of the day. A yurt that was put up by a vendor. They did wet felting. It was really cool! There was a nice display of fall flowers that was really colorful. A good crowd, we got there about 10:00 and it wasn't too bad, but by noon, it was very crowded! We stayed until about 5:00 and it was really emptying out by then. I did go to the Ravelery meetup, but really didn't know anyone, since I don't post often there. I did meet Anne from Norway, but did not get her Ravlery name. She took a nice picture of me in my new hat and scarf. I also shopped at Creative's booth, Creatively Dyed. I bought two skeins of Woodbrook in the colorway of "School" Cuz how could I pass that up? I really liked a skein that she made special for the festival, but didn't purchase it. Later I went back and it was still there, so I snapped it up. I will try to get pics later of my goodies, as it is early and not too light out.

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