
Sunday, March 21, 2010

Sunday, a little bit of this and that...

Last night I got my crochet mojo back and actually made a hat. I have a friend who is going through chemo now for breast cancer. I am also making a comfortghan, but I lost my mojo about 2 weeks ago and haven't worked on anything since. Last night I made her a hat and this morning I worked on another square...yeah mojo is BACK!!!!

I did a bit of running around today. It is a glorious day outside. It was gorgeous yesterday, too. I stopped by TJ Maxx to pick up some new workout sneaks and yeah! they had Skechers. I also happened upon that little card box of crochet squares for $3.00!!

I wanted to show you Larry's birthday gift. He likes chimes, as you can see, the latest is the big green one. Some of the others have paddles or pipes missing, so yesterday he bought some hemp cord and is going to try to fix them...

I actually went to the gym today too!

When I came home, I sat on the porch swing for a bit, it puts my butt to sleep after a bit....But I heard some munching and took a picture of the squirrel eating upside down!

I have told myself I need to get out more on the weekends, as I tend to hermit. Last weekend I was sick, so I did hermit...The weekend before I was out, this weekend I was out and next weekend is actually pretty busy for me. I will be doing a yarn crawl in NYC on Saturday and up in Mass in Sunday!

I forgo to take a pic of the hat, so I will post that later...

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