
Friday, April 2, 2010

Corpus Christi - part 1

Last Sunday night, March 21. I got a call from Texas. My dad had a heart attack and was in ICU. They were unsure if he would make it through the night. My brother and I left about an hour later. We chose to drive, even though it would take longer. It would be cheaper and we would have access to a car while there. It was a long drive and took about 35 hours to get there. We arrived on Tuesday about 6 in the morning. Luckily the hotel was able to check us in early. We both took showers and went to the hospital. My dad was in and out, very sick and it was touch and go for about 5 days. But he made a miraculous recovery (as his doctor said - they really didn't think he'd survive) He is now home in Houston and doing well....Here are some pics of our ride down and seeing Dad. I had called his sister Kathleen and his brother Frank and they joined us in Texas. Aunt Kathy's daughter, Tracy also came with her. The rest of his family lives in Texas.

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