
Thursday, April 22, 2010

I've Joined Blog Group at Ravelry...

I've joined a blog group at Ravelry The moderator came up with a brilliant idea of having a blog week...You can read about it here: Eskimimi
So this is what is involved: You blog about a specific topic each day or as many days as you would like....
Day 1: How and when did you begin knitting/crocheting?
Day 2: What pattern or project do you aspire to?
Day 3: Who is a great knitter/crocheter that you admire?
Day 4: Is there a skill that you would like to learn in knit/crochet?
Day 5: Where do you like to knit/crochet?
Day 6: Revisit a past finish object.
Day 7: Blog about a particular yarn.
Wildcard: (in case you don't like an option) Do you have a particluar tool/equipment that you love....

These are the tagging codes, so people can get to the different blogs involved, just type into Google.
Day One: knitcroblo1
Day Two: knitcroblo2
Day three: knitcroblo3
Day Four: knitcroblo4
Day Five: knitcroblo5
Day Six: knitcroblo6
Day Seven: knitcroblo7
Wild Card: knitcroblowc

I think it will be alot of fun!!!! I can't wait to get started!

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