
Monday, April 19, 2010

One down...several to go...

Only posting a tease of the latest completed project, as occasionally the recipient browses the blog....
Yesterday I met a friend at the mall that I haven't seen in awhile. I was suppose to go to her daughter's 1st birthday, but was in TX at the time...So we met, so that I could give her daughter the gift..Yep, it's still sitting here, on the floor by the computer! I will have to mail it, but enjoyed our visit. Meant to take pics, but just didn't..

On the way back, of course, I had to stop at Creative Fibers to browse. I really didn't need a thing, which I always feel after "stashing" a bit on Rav. Anyways came away with 2 Koigu - which are destined to be fingerless gloves and some Encore and a bunch of buttons...It was a good day. I also used my new shopping bag that I received in the last Surprise Swap...

I took a random shot of Hartford out my windshield, as I liked the way the clouds looked...

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