
Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Oh - Poooo and a colorful school

Got something in the mail today that I was hoping would never arrive. Gonna cost a bit of money to remedy an oversight...oh well, it is what it is and just have to move on...
Now I visit several blogs on a regular basis and I am taking some inspiration from here
I took some pictures of our newly colorful halls at school, among other things...
The geese that greeted me on Monday morning in the schoolyard.

My desk on Monday morning...I don't have a traditional desk, got rid of it about 8 years ago. Now there is more room for bookcases.
And now the halls and artwork of our school:
The green is in my hallway, the red is in the middle school hallway.
The blue and tan are the staircase and staircase hallway (blue is upstairs, tan is down - kind like "Up the Downstair Case")

The turquoise is the front hall, the light green is the kindergarten wing and the tan is the first and second grade wing) We are very colorful...

Now for some artwork: our dragon mural. Our mascot used to be Magneto the dragon. This is a mural that heads down the first and second grade wing (sorry it's a bit blurry).

Our very colorful school. The classrooms are either blue or yellow. Mine is blue, but I wish it were yellow. Everything is being repainted this year. I've been there eleven years and it's the first time I've seen things get painted...

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