
Sunday, May 9, 2010

Saturday on the Road

I live in the little state of Connecticut. It's a small state, not as small as Rhode Island or Delaware, but small. You can get in and out of our state in about two hours, going north-south or east-west. Even though it is small, it has great variety. We have a coast, we have some mighty big hills, not really mountains, but pretty big. We have alot of flat land and we have a very large river valley. The Connecticut River cuts our state almost equally in half. I live to the west of the river, which is west of Hartford. It is always such a shock at how big other states are. I enjoy road trips and take them quite a bit. I have driven to Texas twice (huge state!) and Florida once (way tooo long). I enjoy the variety of our country.

Yesterday the Hubs and I drove all over the Northwest section(upper pink section) of our state, known as the Litchfield Hills in Litchfield County. The Hubs is from that area. We went out to Goshen to Nodines. Nodines is a family run smoked meat house. It has the most delicious smoked beef jerky. The only one I'll eat. My MIL likes it too. It's about the only thing we have in common, besides the Hubs, but that's okay. So we drove out to get her some jerky for Mother's Day/birthday. I only get it a couple times a year. I'll get it again at the Goshen Fair in the fall. It's very yummy, but pricey...

We then started on our way home, stopping to take some pictures, but then the Hubs veered off to go to Norfolk. I don't think I've every been there, but what a cute town! He may go see a show later this month and was looking for the venue, Infinity Music Hall. It's a great place!

On the way there, we stopped at a flea market. Didn't find anything, but took a picture of a great old spinning wheel and then my camera died...forgot to change the battery!

Then we ended up in Torrington and I went to TWO LYS!!!! I will post about the goodies later....We also stopped by a silversmith. We had stopped by a craft fair before we headed out and I picked up a piece of amber (with bugs in it) and am getting it set to wear as a pendant.

Finally on our way home, we headed to our favorite garden place to pick up a hanging plant for the MIL. My Mom is in Florida. I sent her a card, but haven't found anything yet that I liked to send with it...Then we had a few errands to run and ended up on the other end of town.

When we finally got home, I was so tired, I took a siesta.....

It was such a great Saturday just driving around our beautiful little state! I made lots of great purchases, got some beef jerky, saw some sheep, just a great day!


  1. Pretty! I want to visit New England one day. Wait, is Connecticut even considered part of New England? Boy, I feel stupid.

  2. Yes, it's part of New England...The fall is the best time to visit because of the foliage...
