
Thursday, May 27, 2010

Sometimes Ya' Gotta Laugh About It....

I just can't believe the audacity of some people. Not going into specifics, as it has to do with work, but really????? Two years later?????? It's just ridiculous!!!!!

Now I have no fun fiber related things...wait let me take a picture of my knitting attempts....

Now the green thing is a scarf (I guess) on Katia yarn. You can see many mistakes, plus it splits pretty easily. This is my first attempt. I went to a class, but never went to the second part....

On the circs is the J Knits pattern I picked up last weekend. I really like this, but all I've done is cast on (several times) Can't remember how to knit, need to review a video. Next step is to K1 st, place a marker, work in the round to K2, P2 ribbing until piece measures 1" this means I Knit 1 and Purl 2??? I've only purled once at a demonstration....hmmm another video to watch....

I actually really like the circs, had trouble with the straight needles.....maybe should go watch those videos now...or could go back to this....
a hat, I'm making up as I go along....decisions, decisions....


  1. Good luck with the knitting. Looks good so far!

  2. "K2, P2 ribbing" You would most likely K1 place marker, K1, P2... then continue to K2, P2 all the way around. make sure when you do the rows around that the Ks and Ps match up.
