
Monday, May 31, 2010

Today it's beads....Tomorrow, who knows?

I went to my first bead show on Saturday. It was such fun, why? Because I spent the day with two of my best friends, Danae and Deidre. Danae has done some beading and Deidre has an interest, so I asked if they wanted to go...

We bought alot of beads....well I bought alot, they bought some.....

We had some bad burgers and shopped and shopped and talked and talked....It was a great day!

Deidre even drove my car, as she has a bit of a control issue with driving ;) and they both have large vans/trucks, so we took my zoom-zoom....

We are planning a beading day up at Danae's cabin in Vermont, that should be a BLAST!!!!!


  1. ooo. Beads...
    Glad you had a good time.

  2. Sounds like fun, though I wonder why my mom didn't buy me any beads ;) I want to try making some necklaces!
