
Saturday, June 12, 2010

Another Yarn Excursion

(Sorry pics are a bit dull - it's been raining all day) This is how it looked while driving today
Today, after finally getting my car back from the dealership for body work...I went yarn shopping. I was stressed and it relieves my stress...Just got some more stressful news, so might have to yarn shop online (there goes that yarn diet - see I'm bad with diets - any kind) So I picked up these lovelies at Country Yarns in Wallingford. It was a different kind of shop (one of the ladies asked me to be kind) I really don't have anything bad to say, except there was a bit of an odor. But it has been either rainy or humid, so it's been some nasty weather, which could produce a musty odor....The store went on and on....there were many rooms and they were STUFFED!!! With LOTS of yarn. All the ladies were helpful, there were several. There were chairs all over the place to have a seat, spinning wheels, books, magazines. It was a bit disorganized looking, but they seemed to know where everything was. We spent some time looking for a gorgeous button I loved. One of the ladies cut it off the cowl I had seen it on and then we found the tube. That's how helpful they were. I picked up - new to me - yarn four skeins of Sublime. It's produced by Sirdar, but can't seem to find a link for it. It is a merino/silk/cashmere blend and heavenly!!! I also got a skein of Feza Nirvana. It is bamboo - so soft. Then, the button caught my eye, but I liked the yarn in the cowl, too. So I picked up two skeins of Nashua Paradise in Lavendar. It was a lovely day!


  1. Yarn cures everything, doesn't it. After a hard day, I sit with some of my most beautiful yarn and hold it and think about what I could make with it and then everything is all better. :)

  2. You went yarn shopping and I stocked up on fabric. Must've been in the air. Beautiful yarn and buttons!

  3. Lori - yes it does!

    and Sherri - oh fabric - I've been drawn lately to vintage looking fabric with birdies on it...I'll see if I can find and example and post to POTS - may go to Joannes tomorrow as having a fabric sale...

  4. now that is a busy looking shop! lovely shots of the yarn :)

  5. Thank you! Yes it was quite full of yarn...and people

  6. I bought some sublime yarn recently because it has been on sale here. Mine is a double knit cashmere merino and it is so soft. I love the shop.
