
Sunday, June 27, 2010


I have nine followers, however I can no longer see them. I have messed something up and I've tried to fix it, but, alas (great word very few people use) it's to no know that I love that you are following, but can't seem to find you. I had another person join yesterday...So you are anonymous to me...

(in full disclosure, I find this picture a bit creepy, but it fits the problem)

In fiber news, I finished my cowl, just need to sew button, weave in ends...I think it also needs to be blocked. So I had one more ball of the Nashua and started a hat, however, it's not enough. I will have to stash dive to find something to go with it...maybe the Lima...It's not as fluffy as the Nashua, but would work as a band...well see...If I finish, I will post pics later...


  1. Yes, alas, is a great word. I like sans, too. Hope your followers didn't lose you as well. Can't wait to see the hat.

  2. That stinks about losing your followers list! I giggled at the remark stash driving. Just sounds amusing! lol

  3. AND alack! That really sucks, losing the ability to see your followers. I regularly screw up something on my blog, have no idea how I did it, and then later, just as mysteriously restore it. I hope that happens for you soon.

  4. I am sorry you lost your followers, did you try going back into the design and re-adding it as a widget?
    I wish I could crochet, I keep trying but so far no luck. Which is stupid because I am a fairly advanced knitter! Ah well. Stopped by from NEB, have a great week!

  5. Yes, I tried re-adding the widget. It shows up, but the people do not - oh well...
