
Sunday, June 13, 2010

The Homestead

The Hubs is at the Homestead. His mom had back surgery a couple of months ago, so these are the kinds of things he is doing...last week he planted potatoes. I love potatoes! They are the perfect can bake, boil, fry, steam, can have them whole, cut up, sliced. They are good by themselves or mixed with other ingredients. You can eat them plain (mine with a bit of salt) or load them down with other goodies. You can eat them for breakfast, lunch and dinner (snacks too - potato chips) What's not to love? Oh the carbs!

Oh Buddha thought he'd help with the planting:


  1. being from the emerald isle myself I have a true fondness for anything potatoey! It's funny.. in Ireland floury potatoes are all the rage... but when i moved over to Wales.. there's nothing floury to be found.. only waxy nonsense!! .. which aren't great for mash!
    I've started growing my own, less popular (and less productive!) floury varieties :)

  2. I'm not sure what a floury potato is...I really like mini-red potatoes and I love big giant Idaho potatoes. My favorite is baked and I do eat the skin...

  3. Ah - just looked it up - it's like our russet potatoes - like the big Idaho ones...

  4. oh fried with a little salt or smothered in cheese or ummmm getting a little hungry. If I had a garden I would be all over the growing of them myself.
