
Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Online Friends

I've met a very special group of friends online at a crochet site...we all found each other in a certain thread...We were good for about two years, then newbies came in, which we welcomed with open arms, but personalities conflicted and we splintered. In the end, most of us left that online home and went elsewhere....

There is a group on Ravelry and then another group created their own private site. I have made such great friends from these ladies....and they know me as well as my real life friends...and I have now met eight of them in real life...

It all started with Shelly. She was going to be about 2 hours away from me visiting her daughter, so we met up...

Then I met up with Laura - she lives about two hours from me in Mass...she was pregnant at the time:

I went to Pennsylvania for a long weekend and met up with Shelby, V, and Amy

I've met with Laura several times and once Ann joined us.

Then I went to Buffalo and stayed with Krystal and her family...

Today I met up with another online friend, Karen...we went to WEBS.....

I've also met several husbands and some children along the way...There are many more I would like to meet and take whatever opportunity I can to meet these online friends.

So in honor of my online friends, I am having my first contest....I picked up this at WEBS today: 2 skeins Claudia Hand Painted yarns in Whisper

To enter:

1. Leave a comment telling about an online friend that you have met in real life OR an online friend that you would like to meet in real life and a bit about you both..

2. Second chance, let me know if you blog/comment/link to this on your own blog...

Oh and I will send internationally..

I do not know how to do a random generator thingy, I will try to figure it out. If not, my HUBS will pull the number from a hat (the highest tech here - let me tell you!)

You do not need to follow me, as I don't like that as a requirement, but if you decide you like what you see - then follow away....I'm always shocked when a new follower pops up, even though I only have 6!

Let's say a week, so next Thursday at 5:00 EST (US) I will announce the winner....


  1. Looks like you have had fun meeting online friends! I have a great online friend, Cynthia. We have been online friends for over 10 years! We met on a AOL message board & clicked. We talk on the phone and have helped each other thru so much. I would love to meet her in real life.

  2. Beautiful yarn! I've met Heather from the same group of online crafters. She's much quieter than moi. I am hoping to meet you in the not too distant future. Would be great to have a personal tour of all those shops you find.

  3. My friend Gloria. I met her online, when she found my blog, and now we read and comment on each other's blogs all the time and are getting to be closer and closer friends. She and her family are going to come down and stay with my family for the 4th of July weekend, and I'm SO excited to meet her!!! =D Thanks, I would love to win that beautiful yarn!!

  4. You don't have to enter me in the contest. Heaven knows I have enough yarn! I just wanted to comment and say that I think it is wonderful that you have met such nice folks. You can use the website to do your random drawing.

  5. I've met several people in person who I only knew online. One special knitter is Lucy from Dallas TX who I met by accident on Ravelry. When we met its like we had known each other for years.

    I'm Sandrasingh on Rav. Thanks for the contest.

  6. I "met" Linda on line through Ravelry. We haven't met in person...maybe someday we will...but we have a fun, no pressure, "pen pal" relationship via Ravelry.

  7. I was lucky enough to meet you, Shelby, and V and take you on a brief tour of Lancaster!! It was a blast, and I'd love to do it again. I've also met V several times now. I wish she lived closer, I'm pretty sure we'd hang out a lot more often.

  8. You're way too generous, hon...

    A friend I met - Kathy B from the big group...lived not 10 minutes from me before she moved back South. We enjoyed meeting each other for coffee, WW meetings...and yarn shopping. When we passed some sheep in a pasture she taught me the term: Yarn on the hoof"...LOL!

  9. I met Tammy yesterday and was with her when she was shopping for the prize yarn (and trust me it is beautiful!). I have been chatting with Tammy online at a crafting forum for several years now. I was traveling home from a conference and mentioned on our forum where I was going to be heading next and she suggesting meeting up as it was only a couple hours from her place!! Someday I hope to meet more of my online friends!

  10. I have a couple of friends I've never met in person, Joansie and Amy. We met via our blogs and now keep in touch in our blogs and facebook. I've never met any of my "on-line" friends.... :(

    I'm sharing this on facebook.

  11. I met my friend Maz online through a Yahoo craft group. 8 years down teh line, we may not share the same interests any more, but we are still supportive of each other and when we do meet up biannually, the tears running down our faces are ones of laughter

  12. Second entry - I blogged about you here:

  13. Oh, how lovely! I have made so many good friends online, but there is one in particular..

    .. I met my partner, David, through blogging! We had been blog buddies for years and years, but suddenly it became something more. I moved from Scandinavia to Scotland for him - and we've now been together five years. Yes, blogging can lead to many unexpected thing!

  14. Tammy, you have some lovely yarns. I live in the UK and my online friends are my best friends, choosing only one to visit is too difficult, but the two I am hoping to meet are Wendy in Australia and Krystal in USA (and I vote we do a roadtrip to meet some of the others in the group). We do a few projects together and we also have lots of different ones and we chat mostly via MSN. They are the great to chat to and make me laugh and cheer me up.

  15. I haven't met anyone in person yet, but I really want to! I'm hoping to meet some fellow ravelers at Rhinebeck (are you going?!) and you and I have tentative plans to meet the next time you're here. Other ravelers I really want to meet are KellyInTexas, Carolina22, Jocelyn, KnitterlyAnne, Ktyfamily (and I'd be happy to meet her in Paris, where she lives), nhsarab, and perches. OR any other of my friends.

  16. What a thoughtful, generous idea, Tammy. Having to choose one online friend to choose is difficult, as my online friends are my best friends. Two that are at the top of my list are Wendy in Australia and Krystal in USA (and I think we should do a roadtrip when I get there to meet more from the group). I chat to them practically every day and I would be lost without them. We work together and encourage each other with our personal projects, too.

  17. Tracy got here first! I am friends with a number of ladies online, but Wendy (in AUS) and Tracy (in UK) are what they call my "besties". We've talked yarn, schools, kids, food, politics, healthcare, you name it! Every day I look forward to our chats in IM, I couldn't imagine life without them. My dream is to have them both here at the same time as my guests!

  18. Years ago I re-met a friend I had lost touch with after high school. I'd seen a couple of his posts in a Sci-Fi group we both belonged to, and some of the stories seemed pretty familiar. Sure enough it was my buddy Pat, who pretty much got me thru high school when I'd moved from THE City to THE Sticks and hated it. We got together a couple times and still stay in touch.

  19. I've posted to my blog at

    I hope you'll come enter my CSN giveaway and some of the others I've listed. Good Luck.

  20. I would love to have all the yarn you have! WOW! And to have so many different types!!! My online friend I would want to meet someday would be Bernie. She is one of the owners of the blog Leamon Tree Card Blogs. She is just so funny and has the greatest personality. I think we could be great friends in real life as well.

    I also wanted to follow your blog, but couldn't find a place to follow you. I read you where having trouble with that, so I am inviting you to visit me untill you get it all fixed. I am at

    I am also a crochet person. The difference is that I am not as good as you are. LOL! I am working on a vintage Christaning gown at the moment. I hope to have pictures up soon!
