
Sunday, June 20, 2010


One of my goals this summer is to get my stash updated and logged onto Ravelry. I had taken pictures of most of my yarn, or thought I had. I lost a bunch when my computer crashed a couple of months ago. So here I sit sorting through the yarn that has pictures and the yarn that does not. Most of the yarn is logged, but not with pictures. Pictures make the yarn just look so nice. although I am not putting up pics of "big-box" yarn. Some of my pictures really suck because of the light. I've been trying to take pictures outside in natural light.

I just snapped the tub I am working on - the yarn on the floor does not have pictures. (excuse the floor - needs to be vacuumed) It is tedious, since I have to upload to my computer and then to Photobucket, before I can load onto Rav. Yes, I know Rav can load form computer, but it takes a lot longer...
It's getting dark, so no more pictures today....

Oh and today I went to a Knit in Public event - there were only five of us, but it was still nice (it is a gorgeous day, plus Father's Day, so people were probably busy)

1 comment:

  1. I recently stashed a bunch of my yarn on ravelry. I decided not to take pictures. But from now on, every new skein that comes in the house will be photographed and logged into ravelry.
