
Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Summer Plans

When I finally finish my classroom today, I will officially be on summer vacation. (I must also do the supply list for our grade level)

I have made a summer plan list:

Summer Plans 2010:

1. Work out regularly - I know, I know, but at least 3-4 times a week.

2. Deep clean the house, including purging of much stuff.

3. Clean out and file all paperwork.

4. Visit Plymouth, Mass

5. Read and complete several books (read an hour a day)

6. Complete, at least, 3 big WIP’s

7. Update Ravelry stash and project pages.

8. Learn to knit

9. Finish several jewelry projects

I may add to this. I've already deleted something. I was thinking of going to Nashville to a convention. But it has been moved to Orlando because of the flooding...I should add visit Shelby in PA to the list, as I am going to do that...Big plans, as you can see :) I do plan on going to NYC, at least twice this summer, too...let's see what else will happen...