
Monday, July 19, 2010

Another Book Bites the Dust....

and another one gone.....

I just finished The Friday Night Knitting Club I didn't jump on the bandwagon when everyone was reading this...I bought the book when I saw it in a used book store in Corpus Christi. I read about 1/2 of it and then with the end of school, just didn't have time. I picked it up earlier this week and just finished it. I did not know the ending, although I vaguely remember reading a review or something that mentions the cancer. As soon as she was diagnosed, I knew....

It was good. It reminded me of The Jane Austen Book Club which I loved!

Not sure I'll read the sequel, maybe later in the summer. I still have a pile of half read books on my nightstand and in my bookcase....Next up, finish Stephen King's Under the Dome. The Hubs took it from me to read and then gave it to his sister.....


  1. I love the Jane Austen Book Club. I watched the film by mistake really. I couldn't sleep one night and it was the only thing that was on. I really enjoyed it. I got the Friday Night Knitting Club from the library but only read the first chapter and ran out of time. I will order it again now though.

  2. I like The Friday Night Knitting Club too, although some of the other fiction that I've read involving knitting and/or crochet has been a bit better. Yeah, I figured out to how the book was going to end just about at the same time as you.

    I've had The Jane Aust Book Club on my "wishlist" on Goodreads since I watched the movie on Lifetime. I'll have to request it when I run out of books to read. :-)

  3. I read fr.Nt Kn.Club....liked the first better than the sequel, though sequel was good, too. SK's book - well, I've never read one of his, but this one grabbed my attention....reminded me of Twilight Zone episodes! Enjoy.
