
Thursday, July 29, 2010

Another Book....

My husband bought himself a "Nook" last year. We are both big readers and have hundreds of books. (I have just hundreds of teaching and children's books) Anyway, he has really enjoyed the Nook, but I have not used it...

Last night, I decided to read the book I had downloaded in January: Sarah's Key by Tatiana de Rosnay

I stayed up until 2:30 finishing it. Once I started I couldn't stop. It was very compelling. It is told in two voices and was one of the best books I've read....

Part of it is set during the Holocaust. I've read alot of literature about the Holocaust. I have no family that was lost during that time, but it is just a part of history that fascinates me.

I'm fascinated as well as appalled, how could it happen? And knowing it happened how can we still be letting it happen? Darfur, Yugoslavia and others....It's just appalling....

I like reading stories about the "Righteous Among Nations" Those that did something, that saved people, even if it meant death for them....It gives me hope.

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