
Friday, July 23, 2010

Tried to Purchase Yarn, but failed

Today I went to two different LYS's in my pursuit to visit all the shops in Connecticut...Sadly both stores are no longer there....Such a shame...
I did receive this in the mail the other day:

It is the Prentiss colorway from here

She has made colorways for each of the Criminal Minds characters. If you are a fan of the show, check out her site. I like all the characters, except Rossi, but I liked the colors in the Prentiss colorway, they were more me...The Unsub pin was such a nice touch and a super surprise! I'll probably get the Reid colorway too...

I did purchase this today though.... My very own meerkat...I have named him Shakespeare in honor of my favorite meerkat on Meerkat Manor...more about that tomorrow....


  1. there's two shops by us (hi it's ibunnysavetroy from ravelry!) - first is on Rte six almost up near terryville. second is on Whitting St over in plainville and isn't open much at all. not a lot of good yarn either. but New england yarn and fiber on rte six is great! I love that yarn, it's beautiful!

  2. Sad about the LYS. That is happening around here as well.

  3. I'm glad you enjoyed your yarn. I can't wait to see what you create with it.
