
Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Wednesday Bullet

I'm gonna do two posts today: a bullet to catch up on things and then a separate post about the Amish auction.

- I got home on Monday from my friend's Shelby.

- Shelby lives in Pennsylvania, in the woods, at the foot of a mountain
(her house can't be seen, it's to the left of the house in picture, back in the woods, against the mountain)
- It was one of the most relaxing times I have had in a long time and I really needed it after this past school year.

- I have finished 3 books in 3 days. On Monday, I stopped for lunch and finished "The Little Stranger". I had visited a co-op with Shelby before I left and bought several books (most for my dad - as he is going through some medical things and could use the reading material), I started and finished "A Perfect Bride" by Samantha James. The only romances I read, historical. They are like candy, I usually finish in a day or two. Last night I picked up the Melissa Gilbert biography again and just finished it...I have not been reading the past couple of months and have tons of books to finish or even to open and start...

- I got some grape smelling yarn from Eskimimi. She is one of the people I have met on Rav and just started dying. She used Kool-Aid and it smells like Kool-Aid, yummy!

- I really have nothing else firmly planned for the summer. I'm going to go into NYC to meet Lori and I want to take a trip up to Plymouth, Mass, but haven't booked it yet.

- Gonna keep de-cluttering my house and stashing yarn and projects on Rav...

- I didn't buy any yarn in Pennsylvania, but I did buy a quilt...I brought yarn and gave some away to Shelby and Amy.

- Those huge marshmallows make messy s'mores!!!

- I visited with a former student yesterday. He is so grown-up. His mom worked in our building and they ended up moving to Chile for a couple of years and are now in Michigan.

- I bought new sheets to go with my quilt, as I didn't have any that matched.

- It has been raining since yesterday, we need it. It's stopping and becoming humid again - YUCK!

- I have to go pick up my niece and drop her off home and then I will do the Amish Auction post.

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