
Friday, July 16, 2010


I've been tackling my WIP's. The bags of unfinished projects on the side of my bed or in my spare room. I have tons. I have tons that I bought yarn for, but have not started. Right now I am working on the ladybug sweater...
I have all the pieces done, now to assemble it and edge it. I was going to try to do the spots and all, but think I'm just gonna edge it in black and see if I can find a ladybug applique to add to it...

I have added all the WIP's I hope to finish this summer in my sidebar. I just need to get some done.


  1. Usually projects that have to sewn together take me the longest to do!! Enjoy finishing up your WIPs!

  2. I think it will look great edged in black with a lady bug applique!
