
Thursday, August 5, 2010

Another Book Down and Vermont

I finished another book that has been sitting on my bedside table for months. This one was "Android's Dream" by John Scalzi. I loved his book "Old Man's War" and this one was good too. It's science fiction and what was cool about it was they were in search of a sheep to save Earth. There were lots of twists and turns, but it kept me reading. I did have to reread a few times, because there were alot of characters, many that only lasted a page or two....I took it with me on Monday to read on the train to NYC, as I didn't feel like crocheting or knitting...

On Saturday I went to Vermont to visit with a couple of friends. Danae owns a cabin up there...There is no tv, no internet service or cell service....So we beaded and hung around talking. It was fun...

On the way back we visited Quechee GorgeIt was neat. here are some pics from the weekend...

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