
Thursday, August 26, 2010

Room is Practically Done...

My room is almost done, well it's done, but there is always something one can work on...

I'm trying to work out how to do an introduction activity. We have students coming to our school from two other schools. Plus it's 5th grade and I've had at least 11 of the students can't do my usual stuff...

So I'm thinking a puzzle....I'm going to write directions on a paper, cut it into 6 pieces. Have them chose from 3 piles (two piles labeled with last year's teacher names and 1 other school) Then they have to put puzzle together and do the activity on the front....This will also be their seating group for the day. Then change it up the next day...hmmm....have to think of a different activity...oh I know....factors...two people will have factors and they have to find the product....hmmm...or one group of 3 be the multiplication problem and other group be the division problem....lots to think about!

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