
Monday, September 20, 2010

Monday, again????

So back to school today and I did stay late to work on lesson plans....tomorrow is class picture day.....

I am reading The Guardians of Go'Hoole. I saw the movie advertised and it looks interesting, so decided to read the books. Borders was having a sale and I got the first 3 for 2.....I will bring them to the classroom, once I've read the first one. It's pretty interesting...

So my swap partner Laura at Sudden Expressionfinally received her package. It was to an APO overseas, but it took less than a week....You should hop over to her blog and take a gander....

I'm glad she likes the Mini Mocha, as that was the one thing I was really unsure about...

Our weather is not sure what it wants to be, going from chilly to warm almost every day. I love the fall and our leaves have started to turn...because we had such a dry summer....

Well I guess that is it today, a post about not much....dum, dum, dum, dum.....

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