
Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Shhhh.....don't tell the Hubs

but I turned the heat on when I got home. It went from "oh my god, I can't believe it's this warm in September" to "brrr, holy crap it's frickin' cold and wet!" Where did the nice, brisk fresh air of autumn go????

The Hubs reads the blog sometimes, but since we are sans desktop computer at the moment, he hasn't read it in awhile. By the time he gets back to reading this, it'll be winter time.

Today I watched a presentation about Costa Rica, some of us may go for February vacation. It's gorgeous, but I'm not sure I can go...

oh and someone stole my spelling work off the copier...who does that??? I'm hoping they took it by mistake, I sent an email but haven't heard anything yet....

Oh and I ordered yarn the other day...blame it on Ravelry...I saw a skein of yarn in an ad at the bottom of the page from Yarn Chef I got "Peter" for me and Summer Sun for my niece and winggirl, who informed me a couple weeks ago that her favorite color is yellow, not pink this is yellow..I am IN LOVE with several other colors, but will wait until these come in and, of course, RHINEBECK is in 2 weeks...woo-hooooooooooooo


  1. Are you blaming ravelry for being an enabler? Lol, because now you are one! I checked out that website and LOVE it! And decent prices too! Oh, and don't feel too bad about the heat, I think I turned on 2 or 3 of our radiators around mid-August! Yes, if you can believe that.....

  2. i know - so cold all of a sudden! and nothing but gray rainy days, on top of it. we can't control the heating, we're stuck waiting for the super to decide when to turn it on for the whole building. for the past few days i've been wearing lots of layers and sitting under my thick afghan all day....all handknits, sweet. handknit socks, sweaters, and afghan. still, for heaven's sake!!!
