
Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Comment Desert

A couple of people have mentioned lately that comments on blogs have been slacking off. So true....I've actually not commented on too many blogs lately...hopefully it'll pick back up....

Today I laughed when one of my students wrote that "she likes summer because she goes to the beach and can wet herself." They didn't get it. Sometimes I have to explain was a funny moment and none of them knew why I was laughing...

I WON!!!!! I won on Fridica's blog giveaway. Too funny!!! She won my last giveaway!!!

I really, really, really want to win this giveaway. I have yet to buy any Yarn Love, but drool over it all the time. I just sent Hubs the link for pressie buying....I probably won't win, as I have won from her before, but man do I want to!

Here go drool too: Yarn Love

Off to have some dinner, watch Judge Judy yell at people and correct a crapload of things....

1 comment:

  1. That's neat how you and Fridica's giveaway's matched up. I guess I've noticed a drop off in comments...but I don't get a lot to begin with. It must be that it's the busy season.
