
Sunday, November 14, 2010

An Exhausting Day

It turned out to be four 16 year olds, but it was a great day. Really exhausting and I didn't get home until midnight, but a great day.

We visited Ground Zero, and saw it from a side I had never been to before. We went to Winter Garden Shops near Battery Park...that is a gorgeous mall!

Then we went to Canal Street. We didn't last long there, as my nephew wanted to leave. He thought it was too crowded, but then for the rest of the day he kept saying we should have stayed on Canal Street....duh!

Walked around Times Square...We finished the evening waiting over an hour to be seated at The Hard Rock Cafe. Bootz (the nephew, his nickname, was upset when found out I called his sister my winggirl) really wanted to eat there, so we waited. We had gone to Dylan's Candy Bar before that, so they all had candy to much on. I stayed outside Dylan's, as I didn't need any more candy. I also stayed outside when they went into the giant Toys R'Us in Times Square.

The winggirl, SIL and I made our way to The American Girl store. Sheer craziness!!!! Holy toledo was it busy and big! She did get her doll. She chose a look alike instead of a historical character. So she is all taken care of for Christmas....of course, she may get another outfit or two...

Then we headed home, dropped off the other three boys and me. I had to go pick up my car this morning. Man, I am exhausted today and have spent the day sleeping and watching Dr. Who....I'll post a few pics....

The family, Bootz (asleep on the way there), the winggirl and SIL (doesn't she look like her mom) and my brother.

Ground Zero from inside the Winter Garden Shops, inside the Winter Garden shops, and one of the artistic displays with donated food for the homeless. Really cool!

Getting my name done by a street vendor, self portrait on the subway, grabbing a slice.

We did alot of walking, waiting outside Toys R' Us, crowded subway (a couple of the boys had never been on a subway)

The Hard Rock Cafe - waiting to be seated (and waiting) and finally getting in...

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