
Friday, December 24, 2010


I have shared with you about that student's mom. Yesterday I found out a friend from high school lost her battle with breast lately, I have been thinking about my blessings among my sadness.

The Hubs and I were unable to have children, but I always say that on any given day, I have 20+ children.

I saw 3 former students on Wednesday and got big hugs from them. I saw another yesterday and got another big hug. Those are some blessings.

I reconnected with some people this year. Yesterday I received an email from Mary. I had sent her one awhile back. She lived with us for a year during high school as an exchange student. We lose touch and reconnect every couple of years.

I received a package from Fiona. She lives across the country. We met online several years ago and every once in awhile, we send each other random packages. It's always a nice surprise.

I was blessed by some students and friends at school this year.

My partner teacher wrote a very nice note to the principal about me. It brought me to tears. I would not have known about it, but the vice principal forwarded it to me.

I am blessed with this wonderful blog community that I have become a part of, the regular readers and commenters and those that lurk. I have made many new friends this year.

I am blessed with another group of online friends who have become as close to me as some of my family in the "Pots."

I am blessed with wonderful real life friends like Deidre, Danae and Keira. I love them dearly.

I am blessed with a niece and nephews who always make me smile and fill my heart with love and joy.

I am blessed that my immediate family is all healthy and hopefully happy and will stay that way.

I wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a wonderful new year.


  1. I'm so very sorry to hear about your high school friend. I pray for your student's mother too.

    Have a safe and happy holiday.

  2. Merry Christmas and another year of blessings, Tammy, from someone who counts YOU among her blessings.
