
Saturday, December 18, 2010

Just A Short Break

I haven't been online since Wednesday (well school email, but that doesn't count, we are blocked from going anywhere fun on the school's computers and I can't get service with my netbook at school unless I hang out by a window)

So I have to spend some time catching up on blogs this weekend. I have some blogs that I do "follow" but I actually don't read them much, which is sad. The ones I read regularly are the ones in the side bar. People talk about their ways of reading blogs like Google reader and RSS and I have NO IDEA what they are talking about!!! As I just use my blog roll on the side....hmmm, maybe I need to get updated on my technology.

Last night I went to visit the family of my student whose Mom is dying. She probably has less than two months. The chemo is no longer working and she is just on pain meds. We are hoping and praying for the best. My student was so excited that I was coming to visit. He did his hair for me and put on cologne (which I smelled of the rest of the night, because of the big hug he gave me before I left). It's heart wrenching.

Then, because I could not let myself fall into the morose mood I was in all last week, when I found out. I went Christmas shopping. I got almost everything done and only have to run out for a few things today and grocery shop.

We were hoping for a snow day on Monday, but it looks like it's going to pass us. We are all still going to wear our pajamas inside-out, put a spoon under our pillow and a fork in the freezer....

And I made two more student hats, that's 4 total, out of 58.