
Saturday, January 1, 2011

First Post, First Day of 2011

I don't make resolutions...sure there are things I want to improve, but I just don't keep to resolutions...Look how fantastically I failed at the no buying of yarn thing I did this past year....

Anyway, the only "resolution" I will make is I would like to work on being more organized this year in all aspects of my life. I'm pretty organized in my professional life, but there are some days that my classroom is not....

So that is my only "resolution."

Today was an extremely lazy day, maybe the worse of this vacation. I am still in my pj's, I have not read or touched any yarn. I have just laid in bed and watched tv. It's the only day that I have taken a nap....

Tomorrow I have to get my butt in gear and do some things, included would be some lesson planning....I am such a procrastinator....

Now the yarn thing, I am going to try not to purchase until the festivals start up again in the spring....however, I do have some yarn coming in for a sweater I need to redo....I had to reorder the yarn...

I also joined my first yarn club...All For the Love of YarnIt's a new yarn for me, but how could I pass up a tea and yarn club! How fun! I got my first skein the other day and the tea smells lovely...
The picture is better at her site. The Hubs likes the yarn colors.....So I do have this to look forward to....

Now back to watching tv on my bed....Air Force One! Harrison Ford, so great!


  1. I'm terrible at resolutions. Good luck with being organized. I gave up that dream so long ago :-)

  2. That looks like a lovely club to belong to! Happy New Year. May 2011 be a great one for both knit and crochet!!

  3. given the way last year's resolution about not buying yarn worked, maybe you need to go all reverse psychology - this year I will buy yarn!

    oh, i see how that wouldn't work. :) enjoy your least day and lounge at least a little bit.
