
Monday, January 10, 2011

I Feel Like I'm Doing Something Wrong....

"Yup, you're knitting." said the Hubs.....

Oh and I have two copies of Interweave Crochet Winter 2010 I'll random generate a number at the end of the day tomorrow. Just leave a comment by 10:00 EST tomorrow, on this post...I'm sure there will be another goody or two in the package....I'll ship anywhere....


  1. I'd love to give it a go!
    I just found your blog through the ravelry group. Mine's been dead since October so I'm hoping to get it rolling again :P

  2. Add me to the draw, please. Your knitting looks great. Love the color!

  3. Oooh! Awesome! Found your link on Ravelry. I'm agd509 on there. Enter me in the draw for this, thanks!! :)

  4. What a wonderful Giveaway! Thank you so so much and I love your blog I read it every time you post!

  5. Well done with the knitting. It is a bit addictive isn't it.

  6. How come you acquired the magazines? I do crochet and I love looking through crafts magazines!

  7. Hi! Found you through the ravelry group as well! And yes, I know the feeling.. First time I picked up the knitting needles my boyfriend asked if I was sick...

  8. I'd like to enter this, too, please. One of my promises to myself this year to to increase the amount of crochet projects I take on, but I am very low on source material. Maybe this could kick-start me!

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  11. Nice contest! As someone who crochets and knits, all I can say is "welcome to the dark side" ;)

  12. Hey you are knitting!! WTG! Put me in for the drawing please, I love Interweave Knits

  13. Thanks for sharing your Interweave Crochet in a drawing. I will be learning crochet later this month so would be thrilled to win. avennett AT verizon DOT net

  14. I wonder what you're making. That looks like a whole lot of reverse stockinette.

  15. Oh Neat! I love interweave knits... I'm sure the crochet mag is every bit as fab!

  16. I don't know if I'm too late,but I would like to enter, if I could.

  17. If I'm not too late I'd love to be in to win.

  18. hey there, i just found your blog through ravelry. if the contest is still running i would love to be in too. nice blog btw. greatings from germany!
