
Saturday, January 8, 2011

It Snowed!

It was one of those pretty, picturesque snow falls....

But the Hubs has to go to work...that means cleaning off his truck.

- I like the little ticker on the side that shows where my visitors are coming from...just wish more would pop in and leave a "hello!" in the comments.....

- I was able to finally reload my followers widget and look I gained 2! Woo-hoo! Thanks for joining!

- When I redid my format, I lost my Google Analytics...but I haven't reloaded it again...not sure that I will.....

- I have no idea where those birds in the uphand right corner came from or how to get rid of them...but I did see them on another blog earlier this morning...they don't really bother me, as I like birds, it's just strange...

- My student's mom lost her battle with cancer on January 6. Rest in peace and comfort without pain will be missed by your family and friends....


  1. Pretty snow! Sorry to hear about your student's mom :-(

  2. Those are lovely snow pics. My condolences on the passing of Nila. May her children find comfort in friends, family, and teachers as they face a life without their Mom.

  3. first, hello! :)

    that's so sad about the student's mother, i hope the student has plenty of support. death is always hard, but death in the midst of hard cold winter just seems worse in some way.
