
Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Snowing Again!

Today we got out early, it’s snowing again…

Yesterday I drove to work in this…


DSC03213It was yucky.  They didn’t call a delay because the high school has mid terms…they started at 7:45….busses were still picking up HS students after 8:00…it was messy and yucky…I was late..After the above pictures, the highway became a parking lot…I left and took back roads and drove the long way to avoid the hills….

The kids are crazy…they’ve been out of their routine for 3 weeks now….I tested all day Monday, Tuesday and today until dismissal….testing SUCKS the big one…I had a headache most of the day…

I just took a picture off my front porch…

DSC03216 It suppose to start snowing again until the morning…

I think I’m going yarn shopping…I need some Buffy yarn from here


  1. Oh ick to everything. Snow, testing BLERGH!

  2. I love the photo from your front porch - it's looks like a magical kingdom (I am in 40deg c heat over here is Aus). My son has just gone to Ottawa for 12 months and is really feeling the cold - he was swimming in our pool the day before he left!
