
Tuesday, January 4, 2011


I joined the Totally Useless Stitch Along this year....I thought it looked fun and OMG! easy! and there are prizes! here is my empty jar, as I have not thrown any ORT (Old Ratty Threads) in there yet. I put some pretty yarn around it to color up the picture.... These will be my left over yarn from weaving in ends and finishing on objects.....

School has started again and I am oh so tired already....tomorrow we have our first field trip....we are going bowling, yes's something to do mathematical. I teach with three other teachers whose strong suit is math, *shudder*...anyway they are doing something with angles, etc....should be fun....I was on the bowling team in high school...however, tendonitis in the shoulder prevents me from bowling now....maybe I'll throw a frame or two....

1 comment:

  1. bowling, with all those have my deep admiration. :)
