
Saturday, February 5, 2011

Feel Like Writing a Letter?

I joined this group awhile ago.  However, I hadn’t written any letters until Thursday when I wrote three.


Isn’t that fun writing paper?  I’ve had it for years!  When I was in high school I had about 25 penpals.  Many from other countries: Tone from Norway, Mohammed from Algeria, Agnes and Judith in Germany and many, many others.  I also had some American penpals.  The one I wrote to the longest was Chris in Fort Worth, Texas…I still have EVERY letter packed away in a box.  Maybe I should write a book!

I’m still in touch with Tone, but have lost touch with the rest…. this also led to me making my family host exchange students and we hosted two….Mary (who I wrote about here) and Frederico from Brazil.

I’ve always been interested in other places and cultures and getting to know how people live, maybe that’s one of the reasons I went into teaching…it’s a way to learn about other people and share that knowledge.  Although I majored in Reading, I minored in Social Studies….

I also joined Postcrossing, but have not sent out my postcards, cuz school started and I got busy and well……but I also collect postcards, so I want to start again with that….

So back to my letters…all three are to people I met online.  I have met one in real life.  One I have been friends with for a couple of years…and the other I just met this past year….

But I was asked if I would write a letter for this project.  I think it is worthwhile and I hope some of you check it out….

I also want to thank all of the Flat Stanley volunteers….with all the snow days, we are a little behind on writing letters and sending them.  Please be patient….

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