
Sunday, February 20, 2011

My Vacation Week–Long Post

This past week I was on February break….I did a whole lot of nothing and a little something…

First off I joined this: OWOH

and spent most of Saturday, Sunday, and parts of the rest of the week visiting the 870+ blogs involved.  I visited EVERY SINGLE ONE!!!  I only commented on those that I wanted a chance to win the doorprize and I won two! One from here:, a rose quartz tree and one from here: I picked the purple frog.  I think it’s funny that I’m getting one from France and the other from Mexico, as I have both of those heritages in my background…I added several new blogs to my Blogroll, added several etsy shops to my favorites and gained a couple of new followers – Howdy!  Not sure I’ll do it again next year, with the whole new twist…

Oh and Janine from Germany won my giveaway, another country I have ties to…

I also watched: canvas

The Social Network – bored me

The Kids Are All Right – really good

Winter’s Bone – Bleak movie, but beautiful and fantastically acted!

I’ve also seen:  The King’s Speech, Toy Story 3, and Inception.  This is the most movies I’ve ever seen that are nominated..

Monday – The Hubs and I went on a day date….we went to Nodine’s and picked up some jerky, Goshen to visit a pottery place that was closed.  But I took a picture of the last covered bridge in Connecticut

DSC03296  and then we headed out to Kent to go to Black Sheep Yarns.  We stopped first at Kent Falls, it was a gorgeous day!



Then onto the shopping, where I picked up this:

DSC03323As it was Valentine’s Day, I got some red and the whitish ones are for some knucks for the Hubs…he picked the yarn.  We also stopped at the in-laws for a bit…I also picked up this at House of Books I had seen it last fall and it stayed with me, so I picked it up….


Tuesday…I went to lunch with some friends at the Cheesecake Factory.  Forgot to take a picture…and bought a couple of books at Barnes and Noble


Wednesday… I hung out and watched tv and visited more blogs, was not feeling well, had a bit of a stomache upset. Oh and I finished The Girl in the Gatehouse which I’d downloaded to the nook.  I enjoyed it.

Thursday….I hung out for a bit, but knew I was heading to New Haven later in the day….I wanted to do some LYS’ visits….First I went to Knit New Haven and I will blog separately about it..but it was enjoyable.  Then I went to Yarns LLC..I did get this, top from Knit New Haven, bottom Yarns LLC..



Then I joined some online friends: NutmegKnitter and WifeMomKnitter at their Stitch and Bitch group in North Haven.  I think this is the third time I’ve joined them.  I wish I was closer, as I’d go every week..but it’s a 40+ minute ride and it would just exhaust me…so I venture down when I’m not working the next day…and WifeMomKnitter helped me progress on my sock …….Thank You!


Friday…hmm what did I do???  Oh Friday I made this:

DSC03334 for the winner of my blog doorprize, Janine.  I asked her what color she would like.  She said light pink, I had this light rose pink, so hope that is okay.  It took about 4 hours.  I was also helping the Hubs with online applications and stuff….

Saturday…we were out and about again….dropping off applications, stopping by a friend’s house and what’s that…oh…visiting ANOTHER LYS..I will blog again separately about my visit to the Village Wool in Glastonbury, but I got this:


and Saturday, I spent the day making this:

DSC03351with the black and purple yarn.  It’s a gift for someone who compliments my hats all the time and really wants one…

I also watched: Easy A – loved it! and Crazy Heart – so good (but still think Colin was better in A Single Man)

And that was my week so far….did I get anything done I planned, NO!  Still have to do taxes, lesson planning and correcting, BUT I do not go back until Tuesday, so maybe tomorrow those things will happen…

and woo-hoo Amazing Race is back tonight!


  1. OH i loved winter's bone. I had to keep reminding myself that they were actors. So wonderful, I hope it wins something. And last night I watched The King's Speech -- thought of you throughout, of course. :) He was marvelous, but nothing new there.

  2. Oh, wow! You made me trip down memory lane with the beautiful pics of Kent and the covered bridge. I'm originally from Litchfield.

  3. Such beautiful yarn and it sounds like an amazing trip.

  4. Sounds like a great-fun week!! Glad you had fun! keep stitchin-Rain!
