
Thursday, February 10, 2011

Yesterday Was A Good Mail Day

I came home to this:


One box held this:


The bag held this:


And the third box was my first Loopy Ewe club order of this:


Altogether it looks like this:


What did I get you ask? From Left to Right…

Scarlet Fleece Ewe Silky Thing in Under the Sea

Yarn Love Elizabeth Bennet in Delicate Aquamarine

Paca-Peds H-T in Promise of Spring (Club Loopy)

Indigo Dragonfly  MCN Sock in My World is All Askew (Willow)

Indigo Dragonfly MCN Worsted in Hootenany-Well It’s Chock Full of Hoot, Just a Little Bit of Nanny (Oz – favorite character – think I need to watch some Buffy!)

Indigo DragonflyMCN Sport in When I Bit Into Him, I Could Hear the Ocean (Drusilla)

Indigo Dragonfly MBS Sock in Don’t Wear This on Star Trek

and finally

Sweet Georgia Superwash in Autumn Flame

Hmmm…what colors am I attracted to at the moment…the Hubs was all like “they’re the same yarn!”  I was all like, “No they are by different companies and are different types!” And nary a green color in sight!  The horror!!!!

Anyways, I’ve gone on a kinda spending spree…And I still have my WEBS gift card…February vacation is next week and I’m off for 10 days, so I might be heading up there sometime next week…but I think I’m going to supplement the hooks and needle stash and maybe a book or two..and of course check out the sale yarn!

Oh and this is the hat so far

DSC03293 Loving the pattern, but had a dickens of a time figuring out the whole M1 thing…had to watch a video….Really love the yarn and the color too, it’ll be a great spring hat….

And welcome to my three newest followers….how exciting!


  1. OMG! your purchases are testing my "no buy" pact to the limit :-(
    I am an ugly shade of green this minute! what lovely colours - red & aqua = classic! I look forward to seeing what they become.

  2. oh, so jealous about your packages! i really like the colors.
    enjoy your vacation!

  3. How'd you make out on your yarn lotto ticket? Eat.Sleep.Knit is just down the road from me!

  4. Love the purchases! What a beautiful pile of yarn. :)

  5. what a WONDERFUL mail day!! and the hat is looking mighty good too. can't wait to see the progress. have fun on your break, pretty easy when Webs is involved. :)

  6. Wow. That is an amazing mail day - I love receiving parcels through the mail ... so much more exciting than bills! ;)
