
Thursday, March 10, 2011

I Win Again!

Told you I’ve been lucky lately, maybe I should hit up one of the casinos in the state!

Although the weather is not great today, I wanted to share with you my wonderful mail…

First up from Gracie in Mexico

DSC03438This cute little frog purse.  I haven’t decided if I’m going to keep it, or gift it to someone.  She also sent along the most adorable crocheted kitty!  I may use it as a bookmark, or sew it to a bag and a fantastic bird keychain.  I LURVES that keychain!  And look at that great envelope…I need to bring it in to share tomorrow….Plus she volunteered to host a Flat Stanley!  Too cool!

Next up was this piece of art work…I didn’t actually comment for too many pieces of artwork, as I have no place to hang or display them.  But this piece spoke to me…Isn’t that what art is suppose to do?


It says,”How much rice is in your bowl?”  I love this.  It came from the wonderful Judith at Quilt or Dye.  I just love this! 

Now I am eagerly anticipating this Saturday.  I will be joining in my first “official” yarn crawl.  There is also a Rav group for the North Shore Yarn Crawl.  

Yeah, yeah, I know….but it’s gonna be fun…..I’m kinda looking for other goodies than yarn, although I have a swap partner to buy for…and I’m gonna blog them…

So do you wanna see what came in yesterday’s mail?  Come on, I know you do!


DSC03441These are from Gaia’s Colors.  Someone mentioned that she is closing shop and I’ve always wanted to try her yarn.  The color is so saturated and brilliant even on this grey and rainy day! 

The top is Turquoise Woman in a wool/bamboo/nylon blend and the second is luscious Eriu in wool/cashmere/silk blend….So squishy!


  1. whoa........that IS some gorgeous green, you weren't kidding! and how perfect in the midst of all this dang gray. i'm pretty fond of that turquoise, too. you do have a knack for winning -- couldn't happen to a nicer person. :) (unless it was me :).

  2. Wow, you've certainly done very well in the mail department ... it's delightful to receive such lovely things from near and far!

    I love the colours of that yarn ... the blue and green are beautiful and bright! :)
