
Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Skill + 1UP – 2KCBWDAY2


Look back over your last year of projects and compare where you are in terms of skill and knowledge of your craft to this time last year. Have you learned any new skills or forms of knitting/crochet (can you crochet cable stitches now where you didn’t even know such things existed last year? Have you recently put a foot in the tiled world of entrelac? Had you even picked up a pair of needles or crochet hook this time last year?

Well last year I was not knitting, not thinking about knitting.  I love to crochet and I make lots of things in crochet.  But I started lusting after knitted socks…and I knew I couldn’t beg them off of anyone…who wants to give up hours of work to an almost stranger…so my only choice?  Learn to knit!

Have I made socks yet?  No!  But I have an almost finished one…the problem is my project ADD (not hyperactivity, just attention-deficient). 

I am an instant gratification kinda project maker….I like things done fast…and if I have to spend a long time on something, it languishes for a LONG TIME…while I work on OTHER THINGS THAT ARE QUICKER… hats…

I have knitted two hats:

DSC02616 My first one was a J. Knits project.  It was the first project I bought…and I must confess I bought it mainly for the bag it came in!  I don’t wear it much.  It’s tight fitting and I prefer looser, slouchier hats.  But I finished it and learned many skills along the way.

DSC03507And my recently completed Seedling hat.  I adore this hat and have worn it many times already!  Again, I learned many new stitches with this pattern….

I have several patterns I have bought and paired with yarn and am waiting to start:

DSC02916DSC02917DSC02919DSC02603DSC03289These are just a few.  The last one was from the Loopy Ewe yarn club and I want to make the shawl.

I decided to buy projects I liked and learn the skills for each project as I go along.  Does that make me a process knitter?  Or am I the other kind?  (Sorry blanking on the label, but it has to do with finished projects I think)

So where I am now that I wasn’t last year?  I am knitting, but I must say I do still prefer crochet.  But there are days I “itch” to knit, if you know what I mean!


  1. I like that orange yarn,and the greeny one at the bottom; and I think that's a good way of planning to learn new skills :-)

  2. Did you know that there are some groups on Ravelry that will work trades - and knitting services are frequently part of the trade! Have you seen the book that is titled something like "101 projects for sock yarns" - it is awesome! I love the "instant gratification" projects as well!

  3. Well done for learning knitting. The hats look great. It must be great to be able to knit and crochet.

  4. I know what you mean about itching to knit, but withe me it is the other way round. I started out on crochet and switched to knitting as my main woolly craft. Occasionally though, I just want a fast fix that only crochet can provide.

  5. I love to make hats too. I think they are great for learning new skills. So many other things only come in twos... mittens, socks, sleeves. With hats you only need to make one to be done!
