
Sunday, March 13, 2011

A Yarn Crawl on the North Shore


This is my haul from yesterday’s yarn crawl.  I was so excited to go on my first “official” yarn crawl.  If you’ve read my blog for awhile, you know that I have organized several “mini-crawls” that I have done alone, or with a friend (like Lori). 

There were 12 stores signed up for the yarn crawl north of Boston.  I could only go on Saturday, so I kinda planned on making a loop. 

I started at Seed Stitch in Salem.  They were the organizers of the crawl and I was able to pick up my “yarn crawl” button there. 

I will blog about each shop separately.

Next, I went to Beverly and hit up two shops.  The first, Creative Yarns, is a new shop that just opened.  Then I went to Yarns in the Farms.  Whoa was it packed!

Then, I headed out to Gloucester.  I have always wanted to visit Gloucester since seeing the movie “The Perfect Storm.”  I can’t remember if I read the book, too or have just seen the movie a bunch of times.  But I have read several books by Linda Greenlaw. 

Anyway, I went to Coveted Yarns.  Very busy and lots of yarn and lots of discounts!  I was going to stop to eat, but decided not to waste my yarn shopping time.  Besides, I want to go back with the Hubs and really visit Gloucester.  But I did get to meet Heather of Sereknity fame.  I am a fan and have several of her yarns.

I headed back west and hit up Cranberry Fiber Arts, which reminded me a lot of a store here in Connecticut.

Then I stopped at Butterfly Yarns in Wakefield, which also reminded me of the old Sit and Knit store in West Hartford. 

I ended my day at Sit ‘n Knit in Melrose.  It was funny to end it at a familiar sounding store.  As the Sit ‘n Knit here in Connecticut was the first LYS I visited and have gone back many times.

All in all, a great day!  I did restrain myself and only purchased a little at each store.  Except Coveted Yarn, as they had great discounts and local yarn.  I also purchased a bit at Sit ‘n Knit because she had a discount on her Manos Cotton Stria, which I love and I believe they have discontinued…

I will blog later in the week about each store and will be adding a page of LYS’ outside of Connecticut.  I have been to some in NY, CA, RI, PA, and MA.  I have tried to visit some in TX and FL, but without success….


  1. Thanks for coming up for the crawl! Saturday was by far the busiest day and I am happy to see you are hoping to get back up to visit again. It was a little too crazy at times. Hope you had as much fun as we did!

  2. ohhhh drooling over the green yarn and the royal blue behind it YUMMM!
