
Saturday, April 30, 2011

CT Sheep and Wool

Today was the Ct Sheep and Wool.  It’s not very large, but it does have a some good selection…can you believe I went most of the day without buying yarn??  I know!  Unbelievable!
There were two specific things I wanted to buy:
A festival t-shirt and Rowanwood soap.  I got six Rowanwood soaps, all but one a new scent and my t-shirt in aqua this year….and off I went….
I perused for a bit until my friend Laura showed up with husband, Jason and daughter Jade.  Jason and I have a good time and talk geeky shows: Dr. Who, Torchwood, A Game of Thrones, etc…Laura and I went shopping, and she bought yarn before I did!! 

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There were some old favorites here and some new favorites and some missing favorites….I bought Jade her birthday gift:
DSC03812Isn’t it adorable???? It’s a bit big, but plenty of room to go!
There were animals:
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The alpacas are Dirty Diana and Morning Glory and the Llamas are Prince Caspian and Buffalo Bill Cody (whose mom was Annie Get Your Gun!).  Cody was not thrilled to be there.  Here they are looking at:
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Tallulah, an angora goat walking around on a leash.  There were some kids too.
DSC03797 A baby Angora and a baby Nigerian Drawf.
We also watched some sheepdog trials….
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These sheep didn’t want to play, so they jumped the fence and ended up here.
DSC03816 Poor sheepdog….
Now what did I get: 6 bars a soap, a sweater for a young girl, a t-shirt for me, a gifty for someone else, some Maple Cream (instead of syrup) for the Hubs and this
DSC03840 I mentioned this in the Great Rhody post.  Well I saw it again and again loved it.  The Hubs loved it when he saw it in RI, so I bought the kit….I don’t have the skillz yet for it, but someday…..


  1. How could I not buy that yarn. It was all my favorite fibers in a color to die for!

  2. Looks like you had a blast! Love the pictures.

    - Lina
