
Saturday, April 2, 2011

Something to Aspire to: 2KCBWDAY6

Well in knitting it would be socks.  It was the reason I picked up those pointed devils.  Sure I can make crocheted socks (although the closest I’ve done is big flappy slippers for the Hubs)  but I hear knit socks are the bee’s knees…and I love socks!  And sock yarn!  So yummy! This is my first attempt and it has languished..
Now in crochet is would be Tunisian crochet.  I love the look of it, but just haven’t tackled the how’s and why’s yet….eventually….
Now for a crochet project, I would love to tackle the Babette by Kathy Merrick.  I linked to the Flickr group.  I love this blanket, but I know making it would make me nutty!. 
Also I have several friends who have made “saltine quilts.”  I have started two of these, but have never finished one.  You can check out some free patterns at Happy Yellow House
casa This is a friend’s Casablanca, isn’t is just spectacular!  Cara owns The Happy Yellow House and is very generous with her patterns…Go over and have a looksee…


  1. I am absolutely in love with those crocheted quilts, but I also don't think I could ever make one, as I really really dislike sewing things together! But I still love drooling over the pictures. Thanks for the link to Happy Yellow House!

  2. I resisted socks for a really long time. Find the method that works for you and then you'll enjoy them. I use magic loop and only magic loop. Good luck. There are so many fun patterns out there!

  3. I love the Babette blanket but I feel like it would take ages! Still, I'd love to try it one day.

    Knitted socks ARE wonderful :-)

  4. One day I will try the bi-colored saltines and make something! So far I have stuck to the single colors :)

  5. Your sock looks great! Finish it up so you can share your success with the world!

  6. I was one to resist saltines for a long time because I didn't want to sew either. Then I decided to jump in and make the ATW. After that I was kind of hooked. I find the sewing relaxing... except on one that requires too much thinking, then it can get tedious.

  7. Oh my, I've never see crocheted quilts before. How cool are they?! I'm sure you'll reach your goals this year. Good luck.

  8. Beautiful projects! Socks rock and they are very portable take-with projects.

    Thanks for reading my blog too

  9. Good luck with the socks! I am so not a sock person, so they're not on my aspiration list. Nope. :)

    However, I do really love blankets and I, too, love the Babette. What a great pattern. I also love that quilt-looking crocheted blanket - very fun! Many people don't like putting them together, but I like it because I crochet my squares together, so it doesn't really feel like sewing.

    Of course, we won't talk about all those ends to weave in ...

  10. Socks are addictive, as many a knitter will warn you. But what a fabulous addiction to have!
    Why is it that those socks of yours have been put aside? Sometimes it helps to pick a pattern that is a bit challenging in terms of design. Or some people like to use variegated yarns, as they say that waiting to see the colours come together keeps them going. Maybe leave that sock of yours aside and try a different pattern/yarn?

  11. It looks like you are well on your way to tackling socks. Happy knitting :)

  12. Great project picks. Good luck on finishing your first pair of socks.

  13. It's only just recently that I've come across the concept of a 'patchwork' quilt in either crochet or knitting LOL such a brilliant idea :)
