
Tuesday, April 26, 2011

A Walk and A Swing

I go through periods of working out and not working out.  Coming off a very sedentary winter, I have gained more weight.  So I am trying to jumpstart myself into working out again.  With this in mind, I have been making myself take a walk everyday.  Now I live on the middle of a hill.  So either way I get a decent workout, going up or down, as eventually I have to go up or down again…

I’ve been taking my camera with me.  Last week I started taking pictures of some of the old houses around here….but today I went to the park and I swang (??) on the swings….


DSC03782 My new Sketchers…had to replace my old ones when I realized they had a hole in the side.  I love me some Sketchers!  Look at those white legs!

I also watched a softball practice while I swang…mainly so I could watch for those balls…some came kinda close…


The best part of today?  I received some genuine Irish yarn!!  My bestest bud was on the lookout for me last week….Look at these beauties!

DSC03778DSC03779DSC03780 The top two are from the Blarney Woolen Mill and are HUGE!  I have no idea of the yardage….The last yarn was bought in Dingle and are a superwash.   The first two are very sheepy smelling…Deidre said that is what Ireland smells like….all over….like sheep.


  1. Swing, Swang, Swung! I've never smelled, smelt, sniffed a real live sheep- what's it smell like? I do have some winkle shells from an Irish beach, they smell beachy!

    Good luck with your walking!

  2. Ah! Your pictures look like spring is finally here!

  3. Love your spring background! How lucky you were to receive such a nice gift - any plans for it yet?

  4. Glad you have spring. And if they still smell like sheep, they must feel great too.
