
Saturday, May 14, 2011

Guess The Stash Contest!

So I decided to include you all on my fibery weekend....If you can guess how much stash this yarn hoar comes home with...I'll send you a skein of something that came home with me...Not sure what it will be yet...

If you read my blog you know I loves the all you have to do is guess the number of skeins I purchase...leave a comment with the number and I will pick a winner when I get back...

ETA:  I am posting at 8:00 pm and have been to WEBS and 2 LYS's and your guesses are way off so far!!! I'm just gonna have fun with this...your guess does not need to be right and I'll give everyone 3 chances!!!!!  And you may have a coice of the prize.....some nice, soft, buttery fiber around the world...


  1. My guess is 23 :) And my favorite type of yarn is fingering weight sock yarn ;) Have yourself a great weekend!!

  2. 17 skeins from New Hampshire Sheep and Wool. How many entries per person? cos I could be at this all day. just sayin'...

  3. Ummm.... 7? Does the answer have to be right for me to win? :)

  4. Ummm, 9? Can't wait to see what you come back with!

  5. I'm gonna guess lucky number 7. Can't wait to see what you brought home.

  6. I'll be the first one to guess! I reckon 15 skeins of yarn, I have no idea if I've way over guessed or way under guessed, but 15 seems like a nice round number.

    Goodgonegirl on Ravelry/

  7. 17. First number that popped into my head. Have a wonderful weekend.

  8. 5, and only if you are going to restrain yourself from all the lovely tempting yarns. Otherwise, 12 or 13!

  9. I'm going to go with 30, cos if I had the money it would be enough for a jumper lot and several socks!

    sewsable on Rav

  10. If you hit WEBS, then the number's gotta be at least 50 - since you need at least enough for a sweater, right? :) (I'm naughtyknots on Rav)

  11. My second guess is 43 :) Hope you are having fun!

  12. My third guess is 37. Will you confess the real number when you are done shopping??

  13. 2nd guess...a baker's dozen, 13.

    3rd guess...blackjack, 21.

  14. My guess is 65

    Raeknitsnwa-Ravelry Id

  15. OMG I'm just seeing what you ETA'd and "way off?" Sounds like you lost your mind and bought all the yarns! Cos there's a few guesses under 10 and a few more in the teens but not many going over 20, I'll go with 32.5 (a test skein or something).

    And my third guess is...just thinking about this one (That "way off" has thrown me)....37! Yeah, i'll go with 37.

    I cannot wait to see pictures of your experience with a buffalo!

  16. I'll go with my luck number, 27 ;)

  17. Hmm, I'll guess 42... or 108, or 79 :)
