
Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Opinion Please!

I have an idea for a project for Nerd Wars…and I picked up some yarn…now I am on Team Stargate Command…if you’ve never seen Stargate, well what are you waiting for???  It’s my fav sci-fi show.  I have others, but it is the one I have followed the longest….

Now I’m trying to matchy this…


So what do you think?

DSC04296Option 1:  Socks That Rock Luscious Silk in Manly yes, but I like it too! and Periwinkle Sheep in Past Midnight

DSC04295 Option 2: STR and Bittersweet Woolery in Star Dust: Avalon (which is the name of an episode of SG)

DSC04294Option 3 & 4:  This grey yarn which is Valley Yarns in Frost Grey….

Hmmm….I bought the Star Dust because it had some silver in it and thoght it would shimmer like the event horizon, but I’m liking the darker blue….decisions, decisions!


  1. Option 1. I'm on Team Browncoats. I'll see you there. Good luck with your projects.

  2. Wow. I would not be able to decide. The lighter blues match the stargate a little better...but all the combos are just so gorgeous!

  3. Hmm...I like option 1 or 2. Whatcha making?

  4. Definately Option 1 . . . what beautiful colours!

  5. Option 2. That was too easy for me.........

    But, the question remains: what do you plan to make?

  6. I like them all but I am choosing option 2 I think the colors closely resemble those in the picture.

  7. I am voting for option 1 as well. Looks like that is well ahead! Dont forget to let us know the final choice.
