
Thursday, May 5, 2011

Random Thoughts!


Well I was a dingbat and posted my WIP Wednesday on Tuesday..oh well..trying to rush the week again….

6 weeks left until summer break!

Today we celebrated Cinco de Mayo with some pinantas and non-alcholic margaritas…the kids got lots of candy…and I was ready for them to leave…

I found out that the Walton’s house from The Waltons was later used as the Dragonfly Inn in The Gilmore Girls!  Who knew?  I’ll never watch an episode the same again…

It was cold here today…I want it to stay cold…we have 6 more weeks of school…My classroom faces the sun all day and is on the second floor and we do not have air conditioning…It is unbearable in the heat!!!

Stargate SG1 is playing in the other room…the time travel ones, where they screwup the timeline…They are some great episodes!!! (Plus a lot of actors came back to reprise roles).  I don’t always remember episode titles, but one is Moebius….I will miss Stargate!  Joe Mallozzi has been blogging about his memories….The shippers liked this one…I am NOT a shipper, wasn’t for Mulder and Scully either….

I was able to talk Geek tv at lunch the other day with a substitute….It was great!!!!!  No one at work likes science fiction or yarny ventures…I’m on my own….

I bought the new Yankee magazine today…I want to plan some trips around New England this summer….although I have quite a few fiber trips planned! And I’ve already been invited back down to Shelby’s place in Pennsylvania for the Amish school sale…

I haven’t done any stitching in awhile….I bring my school bag home every night and back to school every day and nothing has been corrected….(I have 3 other bags with work in them…I procrastinate!)  Need to get cracking so I have grades and can start entering them for report cards…

I keep buying books, event though I have a trillion of them!  Really I’ve only bought a few…and had coupons and stuff so didn’t pay much…I bought Lorna Miser’s Guide to Variegated yarn.  I am usually attracted to the variegates first…It’s interesting….I also bought two new historical romances…they are my book candy…I’m on a Scottish streak right now….I’ve been known to stay up until 2 or 3 or 4 in the morning to finish one…can’t do that until summer vacation…

Speaking of summer VACATION…The Hubs asked me to go see The Go-Go’s at the end of the month…I’m not a big concert goer and it’s a Tuesday night and I already took my last personal days! Hmmm…

The Hubs changed the tv to Judge Judy…I guess it’s time to go and watch her yell at people and maybe do some stitching……

1 comment:

  1. Oh wow! That is so cool that the Walton's house became the Dragonfly Inn. I love both those shows!
